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Working Abroad in Europe | WorldTrips Travel Insurance

Written by WorldTrips | June 3, 2024

There are many reasons why working abroad in Europe is the dream of a lifetime for many people. Fortunately, there are numerous working abroad opportunities across the globe. In fact, due to the recent shift to more remote working, a number of European countries, such as Estonia and Croatia, are actively working to attract American expatriates (expats).

There are also many “work abroad 2024” websites that can help you secure a position by providing information on how to contact the hiring firms directly. If you want to learn more about expat jobs in Europe, keep reading!



If you want to learn how to find a job and move to Europe, there are lots of resources available on how to get a job in Europe as an American.

First, decide your approach. Are you looking for a skilled position, such as teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL)? If you don’t have a lot of inexperienced, a job in the tourism industry may be a great fit. And, if you are able to work from anywhere, check out the many digital nomad sites that keep popping up, such as and

The majority of these jobs, especially those that require a limited amount of experience or are seasonal, are handled by recruiters. There are large companies that simply focus on placing workers at their many resorts located throughout Europe.

If you are serious about moving abroad to work, it's a great idea to begin the visa application process as soon as possible. A Schengen visa may be ideal if you are hoping to work in more than one country or you aren’t yet sure where you will end up in Europe. This visa is valid in the 26 member nations of the Schengen Area and allows you to move freely within these countries.


Of course, some countries are more welcoming than others when it comes to expats. If you are trying to determine the best country in Europe to live and work in, you can learn a lot from reading about other people's experiences online. And the country in which you choose to live and work in Europe can play a large part in your overall experience.

If you want to work and travel Europe in 2024, being centrally located is a big bonus. If you don't speak a foreign language, it makes sense to focus on countries where English is the primary language or is commonly spoken. For example, moving to Ireland will be much easier than relocating to an area of Scandinavia where very little English is spoken. Fortunately, many resorts hire native English speakers so that they are able to interact with American and other English-speaking guests.

Some of the popular countries for American expats include:

  • Germany – Berlin is a very cosmopolitan and global city, and a lot of business is conducted in English.

  • France – The competition for jobs in Paris can be fierce, but the touristic areas in the South have a lot of service industry opportunities.

  • Spain – There are numerous teaching opportunities in the more rural parts of Spain that provide a great opportunity to earn a living while you enjoy European life at the same time.

  • The Netherlands – Netherlands is a great country to look for a job if English is the only language you speak. There are many opportunities available in the oil and gas sector as well as in the sciences.

  • Italy – Living in Italy is a dream for many people! Finding work in the hospitality industry may be easier than trying to break into the business world there.



A direct option is to seek out companies in Europe hiring foreign workers. There are always American companies hiring in Europe. These positions often require at least an undergraduate degree and a skill of some sort.

  • Germany has a specialized governmental program aimed at attracting skilled workers, including nurses. If you are looking for more of a career path for your time overseas, this could be the route to take.

  • Are you employed by a U.S. firm that doesn't offer a remote work option? You can flip the script and work for an American company from Europe as a remote overseas worker.

  • Many European regions are experiencing hiring shortages and have now expanded their searches to include foreign workers. This database is a useful resource to see what is available.



There are a variety of different jobs in Europe for English speakers currently available. In fact, many regions of the continent are facing labor shortages. This means that there are more jobs available for foreign workers like yourself.

The type of jobs in Europe for Americans can vary from company to company. Jobs in Europe for foreigners are often at the bottom or the top of the career ladder, with not much available in the middle.

Finding international jobs for English speakers is often easier than finding jobs in other languages because English is often used in business settings. Unsurprisingly, some of the best jobs in Europe for English speakers are with American or Canadian companies that have headquarters or operations abroad.

In the tourist sector, native English speakers are in demand, as many European visitors are from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and other English-speaking nations. These jobs don't always pay well, but they are a great way to gain experience, have some fun, and catch a glimpse of European life.

And while it may not technically be an English-speaking country, don't overlook Germany. There are numerous jobs for Americans in Germany where English is the primary language, which could include the auto manufacturing industry (Volkswagen Group, Daimler AG, and BMW), financial services industry (Allianz), and industrial manufacturing industry (Siemens, Deutsche Telekom, Uniper, BASF, Deutsche Post, and Munich Re Group).

According to, “Other notable global companies which are headquartered in Germany include sportswear brand Adidas, pharmaceuticals company Bayer, shoe manufacturer Birkenstock, energy company E.ON, and popular candy manufacturer Haribo.”


Younger job seekers can look for jobs abroad with no experience required, such as:

  • tour guide
  • hotel concierge
  • hotel housekeeper
  • landscape laborer
  • server
  • farmhand

These jobs in Europe for foreigners can be a great way to realize your dream of living abroad. Some entry-level jobs in Europe for English speakers, especially in the tourism industry, even provide accommodation benefits for foreign workers. If you want to work abroad in Europe without experience, your options may not be as limited as you may fear.

There are some possibilities for work abroad for undergraduates without experience if you are looking to work overseas during your college breaks. It's not just summertime when a host of jobs for expats are available. The Alps are booming all year long, and there are always jobs available in the wintertime supporting the region's ski industry. Le Ski is a popular company that has many jobs available that include a place to stay. And, there are limited experience requirements.

Finding exact salary information for these positions can be challenging, but once you begin the application process, you should receive these details from your potential employer.


PRO TIP: You may be more likely to be hired for well paid jobs abroad with no experience required if you get the proper certifications ahead of time, tailor your resume to the country and the job, and make yourself an easy hire by having all the proper documents required to live and work abroad.



Another way to secure an expat position is to look for jobs in Europe with accommodation. Going this route can take a lot of stress out of the equation and help your budget last longer. There are a number of English-speaking jobs abroad with accommodation that are available in the hospitality sector.

Included housing will, of course, affect your salary, as it is considered a payment of sorts. Chalet assistants and chefs are popular positions in this job category. Similarly, anyone working at a mountain or beach resort can typically expect some type of dorm-like accommodation.

Check out this website to find similar types of jobs at resorts throughout Europe. And don't forget to apply for your overseas work visa sooner rather than later!



If you are looking for seasonal summer jobs in Europe for English speakers, there are many seasonal jobs available at some of the nicest resorts in Europe. Seasonal job opportunities are primarily found in the tourism, hospitality, or service industries. The typical salary range for paid summer jobs abroad in 2024 is between 600€ to 1,300€ per week, depending on your experience and language skills. These positions also include some accommodation benefits as well. These seasonal jobs abroad for 2024 can be found on websites like AnyworkAnywhere.

front-of-house attendant in Scotland, for example, can expect to make upwards of €11.00 per hour, while a front-of-house manager may make around €30-35k plus benefits. This is a great example of a temporary job in Europe for English speakers. 

There is a lot of legwork and research that comes with living and working in Europe as an American. If you have difficulty finding information, don't give up. Spending a summer, a year, or even longer working abroad is an amazing way to expand your horizons. If you are a skilled professional, it makes sense to work with a recruiter, or request a transfer from your current company. As many European resorts rely on large placement companies to take care of their hiring needs, the ones listed in this article are a great place to start.