Whether you're heading to the UK for work or play, as a solo adventure, or with a travel companion by your side, it's important that you feel safe and prepared for the adventure that lies ahead. And while you can't avoid every potential travel mishap, you can purchase travel medical insurance for UK visitors to provide you with coverage for emergency health expenses, travel delays, and more. 

Read on to discover why travel health insurance is recommended by both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of State and learn what to look for in a policy as a visitor to the UK.

But Why Purchase Travel Medical Insurance for UK Visitors?

Whether you’re planning to visit England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, international travel can have risks. Here are several reasons to consider purchasing travel medical insurance for UK visitors:

  • Your domestic health plan may not cover you outside of your home country – or your international coverage may be limited.
  • Global travelers are often exposed to unfamiliar foods, foreign bacteria, and even side effects of jet lag – all of which have the potential to result in illness.
  • When exploring unfamiliar territory, an accident resulting in injury could happen without warning.
  • International flights are sometimes unpredictable – your airline could lose your checked luggage or bad weather could result in a costly overnight delay.
  • A natural disaster could occur without warning and force you to seek alternative accommodations.

These are just a few of the situations in which a UK visitor health insurance policy like WorldTrips' Atlas Travel insurance could provide travel assistance and financial relief.

Atlas Travel Is for Global Travelers Seeking:

  • Coverage for unexpected medical expenses, including COVID-19-related expenses 
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation benefit 
  • Supplemental travel benefits include Trip Interruption, Travel Delay, and Lost Checked Luggage 

What Should I Look for When Purchasing Travel Medical Insurance for UK Visitors?

#1: Medical Coverage for Unexpected Injury or Illness

Say you’re walking across the famous London Tower Bridge when you fall and break your leg. A local ambulance takes you to the hospital, where you are admitted as inpatient. In cases like this, a UK visitor health insurance plan like Atlas Travel would cover eligible expenses resulting from a covered injury. 

Depending on the plan you choose, you could be covered for:

  • the local ambulance ride
  • expenses resulting from your hospital room and board
  • physician charges
  • surgery
  • dressings, sutures, and casts
  • prescription drugs prescribed by your doctor
  • physical therapy or chiropractic care

When you purchase an Atlas Travel plan, you'll also have up to $1,000,000 of coverage for emergency medical evacuation and coverage for all other eligible medical expenses.

#2: Accidental Death Coverage

It never hurts to be prepared for a worst-case scenario. If you endure a covered accident that results in the loss of your eye(s), limb(s), or life, a plan that includes Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage will pay the amount indicated in the plan to your beneficiary.

Atlas Travel includes AD&D coverage as well a Repatriation of Remains benefit that could cover the cost of returning your remains to your home country. Or, in lieu of repatriation, Atlas Travel's Local Burial or Cremation benefit could provide up to $5,000 for eligible expenses. 

#3: Terrorism Coverage

While no one wants to think about the possibility of experiencing an act of terrorism, you may want to consider this scenario as you embark on your international adventure - especially when visiting a large, touristy city like London. 

If covered act of terrorism leaves you in need of treatment for related injuries or illnesses, the Terrorism benefit included with Atlas Travel UK visitor health insurance would pay for eligible medical expenses up to $50,000.

IMPORTANT: Note that terrorism excludes countries for which the United States government has issued a level 3 “reconsider travel” or higher travel advisory in the previous 60 days. Furthermore, certain types of attacks are excluded, including wnuclear, chemical, or biological weapon attacks. See the Atlas Travel Description of Coverage for additional conditions and exclusions.

#4: Sports and Activities Coverage

If you plan to participate in amateur sports or recreational activities during your time in the UK, you might benefit from a UK visitor health insurance plan that includes sports coverage. Atlas Travel can cover eligible, non-professional sports and activities which are adequately supervised and in which the appropriate safety equipment is worn.

Some covered activities include:

  • bodyboarding
  • wakeboarding
  • surfing
  • rock climbing
  • mountain biking
  • zip-lining

When you are comparing travel health insurance for UK visitors, be sure to read the full list of benefits and exclusions. You can see the Atlas Travel's Description of Coverage here

#5: Trip Interruption Coverage

Say you’re exploring the UK when you receive the news that a member of your immediate family has passed away. Under eligible circumstances, travel medical insurance for UK visitors can cover the cost of one economy, one-way air or ground transportation ticket to the terminal serving the area where you live so you can be there for your loved ones. Atlas Travel's Trip Interruption benefit can cover up to $10,000.

#6: Lost Checked Luggage Coverage

If your airline loses your luggage, you’ll likely need to replace most of the items inside so you can continue your trip. If your luggage is lost for 10+ days and you file a formal claim with your airline, Atlas Travel UK visitor health insurance can provide reimbursement for the replacement of clothes and personal hygiene items up to $500 (not to exceed $50 on any one item).

#7: Travel Delay Coverage

Say you’re preparing to return home from London when heavy fog causes your flight to be delayed until morning. Unfortunately, you now have to pay for a last-minute hotel room and meals.  Under Atlas Travel insurance's Travel Delay benefit, you'll be reimbursed up to $100 a day for up to 2 days for reasonable accommodations and meals if your covered, 12+ hour delay requires an unplanned overnight stay. 

#8: Travel Assistance Services

Traveling abroad can be overwhelming - especially if you don't speak the native language of your destination. If you purchase an Atlas Travel UK visitor health insurance plan from WorldTrips, you will receive access to travel and medical assistance services to help you through a number of scenarios, as such: 

  • you need assistance obtaining a replacement passport, birth certificate, visa, or airline document
  • you find yourself in need of legal assistance
  • you require assistance with an emergency cash transfer
  • your luggage is lost in transit and you need help locating it
  • your credit cards are lost or stolen and you need help replacing them
  • you’re struggling to locate a suitable medical facility, dental practice, or pharmacy in your destination country
  • you are hospitalized and wish for a point-of-contact to send ongoing medical updates to your family members or friends

You can see all available travel and medical assistance services here.

What Are Some Other UK Visitor Health Insurance Options?

Atlas International insurance is our most popular travel medical insurance plan. Consider purchasing Atlas Travel as your travel medical insurance for UK visitors if you need coverage for a single trip. This plan provides up to $2,000,000 in coverage, with deductible choices ranging from $0 to $5,000. 

Not sure Atlas Travel is the right plan for you? Here are some other travel medical insurance options for other types of travel plans: 

If You're Taking a Single Trip and Want the Highest Possible Coverage Limits

Atlas Premium offers the same coverage as our Atlas Travel plan - with even higher coverages for my benefits. Consider Atlas Premium if you're taking a shorten international trip or if you're seeking elite coverage. You can compare Atlas Travel and Atlas Premium here

If You're Visiting the UK With a Group of 5 or More Travelers

Designed for student groups, business trips, families, and friends, Atlas Group offers the same benefits and services of our popular Atlas Travel plan at a 10% reduced rate for groups of 5 or more. 

If You're Planning to Travel Abroad Multiple Times This Year

If you're a frequent visitor to the United Kingdom or someone who takes multiple trips abroad each year, then Atlas MultiTrip annual travel medical insurance might be for you. You can make one convenient payment and get 364 days of coverage for any number of international trips up to 30 or 45 days in length. 



WorldTrips is a service company and a member of the Tokio Marine HCC group of companies.

WorldTrips’ Atlas Travel Series and StudentSecure international travel medical insurance products are underwritten by Lloyd's. WorldTrips has authority to enter into contracts of insurance on behalf of the Lloyd's underwriting members of Lloyd's Syndicate 4141, which is managed by HCC Underwriting Agency, Ltd.

WorldTrips' Atlas Journey, Atlas Cruiser, and Atlas On-The-Go trip protection insurance products are underwritten by Tokio Marine HCC's U.S. Specialty Insurance Company (USSIC). USSIC is a Texas-domiciled insurance company operating on an admitted basis throughout the United States. Coverage is available to U.S. residents of the U.S. states and District of Columbia only. This plan provides insurance coverage that only applies during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. Coverage may not be available in all states.

In the State of California, operating as WorldTrips Insurance Services. California Non-Resident Producer License Number: 0G39705